Practical things

Things to note before the camp

  • Accommodation varies between campsites. In some of the campsites campers have small rooms, and in others everybody sleeps in the same space.
  • Toilets and showers also vary between the campsites. In some of the campsites there are indoor toilets and showers, in others there are outdoor toilets and the sauna functions as a bathroom
  • On every camp there is a kiosk that sells snacks, candy, and soda.
  • There are no visiting days. The campers can use their mobile phones normally during breaks and free time.
  • The menu of the camp depends on the kitchen of the campsite and the cook. Allergies and special diets will be taken in regard, but they must be mentioned before the camp.
  • Camps are totally alcohol free. Smoking is forbidden for underaged campers.
  • Campers and counselors are insured for accidents. This means that in case of an accident the insurance covers the medical costs and the broken property. Note for campers who have a permanent address outside Finland and/or who do not have a Finnish social security number: the accident insurance provided by Protu only covers campers during the camp days. It is not a travel insurance.
  • There is no overcompassing limit to how many guests you can invite to the ending ceremony unless it is mentioned in the camp invitation letter. At the end of the ceremony there is a lunch, which costs 12 € for adult guests and 8 € for guests under 12 years of age.

Camp hygiene

  • The counselors will take care of and instruct hygiene policies at camps. Please do not arrive to camp if ill. If a camper starts showing symptoms of illness at camp, they are instructed to cough and sneeze only into a tissue (which will be thrown into the trash) or at least into their own sleeve. The campers are also instructed to wash their hands carefully when visiting the bathroom and to use hand sanitizer before meals (applies to everyone!).


Managing your motivation and energy at the camp

  • If you’re going to a camp and suffer from a physical or mental illness or other obstacle, tell your teammates about your situation and how it could affect you and the camp. This way the team can keep the subject in mind while planning. You can also contact the office about the subject. (Please keep in mind that the team consists of volunteers, not professionals on mental health-, youth- and education related subjects.)
  • If you feel that the camp is too heavy or too much for this summer, please listen to your feelings. Skip the camp for this year, and come again when leading a camp feels like a good idea for you.
  • If you feel like you need some time off during the camp, or you want to talk to a team member in private, it can be arranged.
  • If one of the topics discussed during the camp is sensitive to you, there is no obligation to participate in planning or leading activities related to the topic in question.


Equality and Safety

  • Respecting diversity. During a camp, the diverse origins and experiences are respected, and the team members should strive to offer everyone a safe space to be and to find themselves. The campers’ decisions and boundaries should always be respected. Participating in the programme and other activities during the camp is optional.
  • Going to the sauna and washing up. It is customary to organise girls’ and boys’ sauna times as well as a common sauna time. Additional sauna times can be organised depending on the circumstances (non-binary sauna, individual sauna, sauna with a swimsuit on). Depending on one’s preference, sauna can be attended with a towel or bathing suit, or without. Everyone should be given the possibility to bathe alone, or with people they feel comfortable bathing with (for example based on their gender identity) without it being called to attention. Additionally, nobody should have to sauna alone unless they specifically wish for it.
  • Bullying and harassment is not accepted. Bullying, harassment and other situations where a camper feels unsafe or uncomfortable should be treated seriously. No form of discrimination is accepted at a camp. Team members should aim to create an atmosphere which encourages open conversation and feedback to ensure the campers feel safe discussing anything that is on their mind.
  • Talking about sensitive matters. If, during a Protu-camp, a camper encounters inappropriate behaviour or speech that left them feeling uncomfortable or unsure, they can bring it up with any member of the team that they feel comfortable talking to. The camper can also inform Protu’s harrasment respondent about the behaviour, anonymously if they so wish.
  • Trained camp counselors. The camp counselors will participate in one to three weekend-long trainings in the spring preceding the camp. There, they will be trained in for example ensuring the campers’ safety, solving problematic situations during a camp and the senior counselors’ judicial responsibility. The senior counselors applying to a team for the first time are interviewed. The camp teams are supported by extensive written material as well as a support network made up of voluntary workers who are professionals in social- health- and education-related fields.