Welcome to the Prometheus coming-of-age camp to discuss and argue about social, philosophical and life-related themes! Two international English camps will be organized this summer: Oriniemi (Turku) 20.–27.7. and Oriniemi (Turku) 27.7.–3.8.

Enrollment for the international English camps (as well as Swedish youth camps and Finnish theme, senior and adult camps) opens on Wednesday 12.2. at 10 am. (Note: the previously announced opening date of 10.2. has been postponed due to illness cases at the office and is now 12.2. We apologize for the last-minute change!)

Enrollment for regular Finnish-language camps opens on February 24. Read more here (in Finnish).


Enrollment for camps is done directly. One young person can only enroll for one camp. Camp spots are filled in the order of enrollment.

A guardian registers a camper under the age of 18 for the camp. Only the guardian’s name and email are required on the registration form. After registration, the guardian will receive a link to a separate survey in their email, where the camp participant’s information is filled in.

Note: Due to technical limitations of the system, only one dependent can be enrolled for the summer 2025 camps with one guardian’s email address. If there is more than one person enrolling for a Protu camp in the family (e.g. twins), please contact the Protu office in advance at protu@protu.fi.

Camp fee

The camp fee is €429 for international English youth camps. Those in a financially disadvantaged position are eligible for a reduced camp fee.

In March, more than 60 spots remained unfilled in the summer camps in the post-lottery. Due to the changed situation, we are closing the post-lottery and opening direct enrollment for the remaining spots. You can enroll for the camps – and also for the queues of the full camps – on the Protu’s website on Friday 12 April. from 11 am.

There are also individual available spots at this summer’s English-language youth camps.

For more information about the lottery, please contact the Protu office at protu@protu.fi.

Information about summer 2024 camps:

  • In the summer, 64 youth camps are organized for 14-16 year olds, including 50 regular Finnish-language camps and 9 Finnish-language themed camps, as well as 3 Swedish-language regular camps and 2 English-language international camps. Due to the huge demand, places for youth camps are selected by way of lottery.
  • English-language international camps are organized from 21 to 28 July in Meriharju (Helsinki) and from 28 July to 4 August In Oriniemi (Turku): https://www.protu.fi/en/prometheus-leirille/international-camps/   
  • You can view all the other summer youth camps in the camp search: https://www.protu.fi/prometheus-leirille/leirit/  
  • In the description of each camp, you can find contact information for the campsite, information about washing and accommodation equipment, and accessibility.

Information about enrolling:

  • You can enroll in a camp or camp’s queue using the form on Protu’s website. Filling out the form requires a previously created user account. 
  • A user account can be created either by a guardian or a young person. A user account is always created with your own information. If the user is under 18 years of age, the form asks for the guardian’s contact information at the same time, in which case the guardian’s own user account will also be created (or if the guardian’s account already exists with the email provided to the guardian, a connection will be made between the young person’s account and the guardian’s account). Both the camper and the guardian must have their own separate email address as their username.
  • You can pay for the camp immediately or choose to pay by invoice. When paying, you can request a discount (basic or special) in case your family’s financial situation is unstable.
  • The person in queue gets a spot at the camp in the event that someone who has already enrolled for the camp cancels their enrollment.

Update 26.3.2024: The post-lottery is closed, direct enrollment for the remaining spots opens on Friday 12.4. at 11 am.

The post-lottery includes the spots left over from the main draw (9-31 January) for the summer 2024 youth camps for 14-16 year olds, as well as places that have since become available due to cancellations.

You can participate in the lottery using the form here (login is required): https://www.protu.fi/en/post-lottery-for-participation-in-protu-camps-in-2024/

The post-lottery is open to everyone, but priority will be given to those who did not get a place in the main lottery or who have a Protu member or camp team member in their family during 2018-2023.

The first draw will take place on Friday 22 March and will include all those who have participated in the post-lottery by Thursday 21 March. The lottery will be open until the end of the camp season

Those who have gotten a spot in the draw but do not wish to accept it may also participate in the post-lottery. In this case, the spot received in the previous draw must be cancelled before participating in the new lottery.

For more information about the lottery, please contact the Protu office at protu@protu.fi.

Information about summer 2024 camps:

  • In the summer, 62 youth camps are organized for 14-16 year olds, including 48 regular Finnish-language camps and 9 Finnish-language themed camps, as well as 3 Swedish-language regular camps and 2 English-language international camps. Due to the huge demand, places for youth camps are selected by way of lottery.
  • English-language international camps are organized from 21 to 28 July in Meriharju (Helsinki) and from 28 July to 4 August In Oriniemi (Turku): https://www.protu.fi/en/prometheus-leirille/international-camps/ 
  • You can view all the other summer youth camps in the camp search: https://www.protu.fi/prometheus-leirille/leirit/ 
  • In the description of each camp, you can find contact information for the campsite, information about washing and accommodation equipment, and accessibility.

Information about participating in the lottery:

  • You can participate in the draw using the form on Protu’s website. Filling out the form requires a previously created user account. A user account can be created either by a guardian or a young person. A user account is always created with your own information. If the user is under 18 years of age, the form asks for the guardian’s contact information at the same time, in which case the guardian’s own user account will also be created (or if the guardian’s account already exists with the email provided to the guardian, a connection will be made between the young person’s account and the guardian’s account). Both the camper and the guardian must have their own separate email address as their username.
  • The form is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.
  • The same young person can apply to the camp with only one application (the application can be made either by the guardian of a child under 18 or by the camper himself). If more than one application has been filled out for the same camper, all applications can be rejected.
  • Once completed, the form cannot be edited. If you wish to change the information you have provided on the form, you must fill in a new form and ask the Protu office (protu@protu.fi) to delete the previous one.
  • The Protu office will check the information that gives the participant priority in the draw (the missed place in the actual draw or a Protu member or camp team member, guardian or sibling in the family between 2018 and 2023).
  • Young people participating in the draw are required to familiarize themselves with and commit to Protu’s safer space policy as well as camp practices and rules in advance. This includes agreeing to the terms of sending home. At the camp, the leader team is responsible for respecting the rules.
  • The form is used to select the camps in which the young person wants to participate in the draw. The lottery participant can freely choose whether he wants to participate in the raffle for all camps or whether he chooses the camps according to, for example, equipment, accessibility, time, place or area
  • Unlike the actual lottery, in the post-lottery you cannot prioritize camps by type or region. In the post-lottery, it is also not possible to participate in the lottery on the same form for the same camp type with a sibling.
  • Unfortunately, due to the large number of applicants, it is not possible to wish to enter the same camp with a friend, and therefore there is no friend request on the form.
  • You can get a maximum of one spot in the lottery.
  • A spot gotten in the lottery may not be accepted. You can also cancel your enrollment.
  • A spot gotten in the draw cannot be exchanged for another. If you have already received a spot for which you received an email enrollment link – and you want to enter the post-lottery to change your spot – you must first cancel your previous spot. You can cancel your spot enrollment yourself on the Protu website.
  • There is no queue for the camps. If someone fails to enroll for the spot they have been allocated or cancels their enrollment, the spot will be available again in the post-lottery.
  • The camp fee is paid only after the draw when registering for the camp (after receiving information from the office about the received camp place). The camp fee can be paid by bank or credit card payment or by invoice. Those in a financially disadvantaged position are entitled to a discount on the camp fee, which is €90. This can be selected when registering for the camp. Families in a particularly weak financial situation can apply for a special discount.

Unfortunately, due to technical problems, the opening of the post-lottery (continuous lottery for unclaimed and canceled campsites) is delayed. The new time for the opening of the draw is Tuesday, March 12. at 11:00.

The post-lottery will include the places left over from the main draw (9-31 January) for the summer 2024 youth camps for 14-16 year olds, as well as places that have since become available due to cancellations.

The post-lottery is open to everyone, but priority will be given to those who did not get a place in the main lottery or who have a Protu member or camp team member in their family during 2018-2023.

The first draw will take place on Friday 22 March and will include all those who have filled in the draw form by Thursday 21 March. The draw will be open until the end of the camp season.

Those who have gotten a campsite in the draw but do not wish to accept it may also participate in the post-lottery. In this case, the campsite received in the previous draw must be cancelled before participating in the new lottery

For more information about the lottery, please contact the Protu office at protu@protu.fi.

Information about summer 2024 camps:

  • In the summer, 60 youth camps are organized for 14-16 year olds, including 46 regular Finnish-language camps and 9 Finnish-language themed camps, as well as 3 Swedish-language regular camps and 2 English-language international camps. Due to the huge demand, places for youth camps are chosen by lottery.
  • English-language international camps are organized from 21 to 28 July in Meriharju (Helsinki) and from 28 July to 4 August In Oriniemi (Turku): https://www.protu.fi/en/prometheus-leirille/international-camps/ 
  • You can view all the other summer youth camps in the camp search: https://www.protu.fi/prometheus-leirille/leirit/ 
  • In the description of each camp, you can find contact information for the campsite, information about washing and accommodation equipment, and accessibility.

Information about participating in the lottery:

  • You can participate in the draw using the form on Protu’s website. Filling out the form requires a previously created user account. A user account can be created either by a guardian or a young person. A user account is always created with your own information. If the user is under 18 years of age, the form asks for the guardian’s contact information at the same time, in which case the guardian’s own user account will also be created (or if the guardian’s account already exists with the email provided to the guardian, a connection will be made between the young person’s account and the guardian’s account). Both the camper and the guardian must have their own separate email address as their username.
  • The form is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.
  • The same young person can apply to the camp with only one application (the application can be made either by the guardian of a child under 18 or by the camper himself). If more than one application has been filled out for the same camper, all applications can be rejected.
  • Once completed, the form cannot be edited. If you wish to change the information you have provided on the form, you must fill in a new form and ask the Protu office (protu@protu.fi) to delete the previous one.
  • The Protu office will check the information that gives the participant priority in the draw (the missed place in the actual draw or a Protu member or camp team member, guardian or sibling in the family between 2018 and 2023).
  • Young people participating in the draw are required to familiarize themselves with and commit to Protu’s safer space policy as well as camp practices and rules in advance. This includes agreeing to the terms of sending home. At the camp, the leader team is responsible for respecting the rules.
  • The form is used to select the camps in which the young person wants to participate in the draw. The raffle participant can freely choose whether he wants to participate in the raffle for all camps or whether he chooses the camps according to, for example, equipment, accessibility, time, place or area
  • Varsinaisesta arvonnasta poiketen jälkiarvonnassa ei voi priorisoida leirejä tyypin tai alueen mukaan. Jälkiarvonnassa ei myöskään ole mahdollista osallistua arvontaan samalla lomakkeella samalle leirityypille sisaruksen kanssa.
  • Unlike the actual draw, the post-draw does not allow the participant to prioritise camps by type or region. It is also not possible to enter the post-draw with a sibling for the same type of camp on the same form.
  • Unfortunately, due to the large number of applicants, it is not possible to wish to enter the same camp with a friend, and therefore there is no friend request on the form.
  • You can get a maximum of one camping spot in the lottery.
  • A spot gotten in the lottery may not be accepted. You can also cancel your enrollment.
  • A spot gotten in the draw cannot be exchanged for another. If you have already received a spot for which you received an email enrollment link – and you want to enter the post-draw to change your spot – you must first cancel your previous spot. You can cancel your spot enrollment yourself on the Protu website.
  • There is no queue for the camps. If someone fails to enroll for the spot they have been allocated or cancels their enrollment, the spot will be available again in the post-lottery.
  • The camp fee is paid only after the draw when registering for the camp (after receiving information from the office about the received camp place). The camp fee can be paid by bank or credit card payment or by invoice. Those in a financially disadvantaged position are entitled to a discount on the camp fee, which is €90. This can be selected when registering for the camp. Families in a particularly weak financial situation can apply for a special discount.

Unfortunately, due to technical problems, the opening of the post-lottery (continuous lottery for unclaimed and canceled campsites) is delayed. The new time for the opening of the draw is Tuesday, March 12. at 11:00.

The spots at the Prometheus camps have been drawn. All those who participated in the lottery have been informed by e-mail whether they have gotten a place in the lottery. The lottery for Protu’s youth camps and senior camps was open on Protu’s website from January 9 to 31. (read more).

Those who won a camp spot in the lottery have been asked to enroll by Thursday 29 February. If someone does not enroll by the deadline, the spot will become vacant.

There is no queue for the camps, but free spots are filled by a subsequent lottery. The post-lottery form opens for filling out on Protu’s website on Tuesday, March 12. at 11 a.m. Spots will be drawn among those who filled out the post-lottery form, as they become available in the camps.

(Edit. 27.2., Added information about the delay and the new time)

Participation in the lottery for youth camps for 14–16 year olds and senior camps for 17–21 year olds organized in the summer of 2024 is now open. You can participate in the draw using the form here (login is required): https://www.protu.fi/en/participation-in-the-draw-for-the-2024-protu-camps/

Please note that the form requires care and familiarization in advance. Do not fill in in a hurry, because the form can be filled in until 31.1. until. All those who participated in the lottery during this period are equal to each other.

Also, please note that a form that has been filled in once cannot be modified. If you want to change the information you provided in the form, you must fill out a new form and ask the Protu office (protu@protu.fi) to delete the previous one.

Due to the huge demand for protule camps, places for youth camps and sennu camps are chosen by lottery. Camp places will be drawn among the participants and the result will be announced on Tuesday, February 13. All those who participated in the draw will be notified of the result of the draw by e-mail.

There is no queue for youth camps and senior camps. Cancellation places are drawn using a separate application form, which will be opened after the actual draw in February.

Information about summer 2024 camps:

  • In the summer, 60 youth camps are organized for 14-16 year olds, including 46 regular Finnish-language camps and 9 Finnish-language themed camps, as well as 3 Swedish-language regular camps and 2 English-language international camps.

  • In addition, in the summer, 2 Finnish-language senior camps are organized for 17-21-year-olds.

  • English-language international camps are organized from 21 to 28 July in Meriharju (Helsinki) and from 28 July to 4 August In Oriniemi (Turku): https://www.protu.fi/en/prometheus-leirille/international-camps/

  • You can view all the other summer youth camps in the camp search: https://www.protu.fi/prometheus-leirille/leirit/

  • In the description of each camp, you can find contact information for the campsite, information about washing and accommodation equipment, and accessibility.

Information about participating in the lottery:

  • You can participate in the draw using the form on Protu’s website. Filling out the form requires a previously created user account. A user account can be created either by a guardian or a young person. A user account is always created with your own information. If the user is under 18 years of age, the form asks for the guardian’s contact information at the same time, in which case the guardian’s own user account will also be created (or if the guardian’s account already exists with the email provided to the guardian, a connection will be made between the young person’s account and the guardian’s account). Both the camper and the guardian must have their own separate email address as their username.

  • The form is available in Finnish, Swedish and English.

  • The same young person can apply to the camp with only one application (the application can be made either by the guardian of a child under 18 or by the camper himself). If more than one application has been filled out for the same camper, all applications can be rejected.

  • Young people participating in the draw are required to familiarize themselves with and commit to Protu’s safer space policy as well as camp practices and rules in advance. This includes agreeing to the terms of sending home. At the camp, the leader team is responsible for respecting the rules.

  • The form is used to select the camps in which the young person wants to participate in the draw. The raffle participant can freely choose whether he wants to participate in the raffle for all camps or whether he chooses the camps according to, for example, equipment, accessibility, time, place or area

  • With the form, it is possible to prioritize themed camps, English-language international camps and Swedish-language camps. It is also possible to prioritize campsites. Prioritizing camps does not reduce the chances of winning a place for other camps (ie, for example, prioritizing a theme camp does not reduce the chances of winning a place for a regular youth camp).

  • The form has the option to report the need for information to the special assistant at the camp.

  • If there are two siblings in the family (e.g. twins) who want to go to the same type of camp (youth camp or sennu camp), who only want to receive a camp place if both get to the camp, they must fill out one common form. In this case, both can use the same form to win a place together either for the same camp or at a different place or at a different time, depending on the announcement. In this case, separate forms for the raffle are not filled out for siblings. If both can receive a camping spot without the other getting a camping spot, they can participate in the draw using separate forms. In this case, they are not drawn together, but separately (i.e. the win of one sibling does not affect the draw result of the other sibling).

  • Unfortunately, due to the large number of applicants, it is not possible to wish to enter the same camp with a friend, and therefore there is no friend request on the form.

  • You can win a maximum of one camping spot in the draw.

  • You can cancel a camping spot won in the lottery, but you can’t change it to another.

  • The camp fee is paid only after the draw when registering for the camp (after receiving information from the office about the received camp place). The camp fee can be paid by bank or credit card payment or by invoice. Those in a financially disadvantaged position are entitled to a discount on the camp fee, which is €90. This can be selected when registering for the camp. Families in a particularly weak financial situation can apply for a special discount.